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[<008400050004005200850086000800870063008200880023008400200021003e0089002e004000490028008200880079008a008b008c00610020008d003b008e002e004e0059008f004000540004>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 120.85499573 tm [<00050006000700350044003600900091003e005400920093001e0094003600900092009500140096004a002e0040000400050006000700760097002300980099001b00410042009a009b0046>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 378 120.85499573 tm /gs3 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q 1 0 0 1 0 156 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 11.38799953 tm /gs4 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q 1 0 0 1 21 171.6000061 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabj 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 11.65499973 tm 0 g [<00040005000600070008000900310032009c009d009e009f00a000a1001e00260027004e009400a2004400a3004c002c001e0008000900a400a50009003100a600a700a800a900090099>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 27.25500107 tm [<00aa006700ab001b00ac00ad0024005b0066006700ae00af00b0004600240025002f0030000a000b0043004400b1002c001e00b200b300080009005400b400b5002700b600b700b800b9002d0026>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 42.85499954 tm [<0027004e00ad00ba00aa0067004e00bb00a2004e00bc00940079006c00bd004a00be001e00bf009e009f00aa006700c000c1001c001d004600c200c3000900a400a5000900a700a800a900540076>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 58.45499802 tm [<0077003600c400ae004e00c500c600c7000a00c8002200ae004e00c9004b00ca00cb00ae00cc0066006700ae003100a6001b00cd005600ce009a009b001e00cf0093004700d000d100aa006700d2>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 74.05500031 tm [<003b0078001c001d0054006500b600d300d400d500c1004600d600d70024005b004e00d80005004f002300d900da0024005b007900db00a500b700b8007d009a009400a2004e0022000900dc009a>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 89.65499878 tm [<009b0079006c00bd004d00dd000a000b004600b300de004800df00e000e100e2001e000400050006000700b9002d000f00d2002600be0045002c001e0026002700e300bb00d200e4001e00e50094>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 105.25499725 tm [<00a2008c002700da005400e6009300e7002c001e00e800b9002d00260027004e00640076004e006600670054004a00a300e900ea00b200eb001e00ec003b00ed00ee00ef00e4005400aa006700f0>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 120.85499573 tm [<00da00f100f200f300f4001e007d00f500f600270024005b00a900f700b00049001e00a50009005400aa006700f800b5001f00e20045002c002a002b0046>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 304.5 120.85499573 tm /gs5 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q 1 0 0 1 0 296.3999939 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 11.38799953 tm /gs6 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q 1 0 0 1 21 312 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 11.65499973 tm 0 g [(pp)1(p)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabj 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 18.89800072 11.65499973 tm [<002900bd00f900e2002c0044009600fa001e>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 113.39800262 11.65499973 tm [(pp)1(p)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabj 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 132.29600525 11.65499973 tm [<003e001800cc00f8002a002b0008000900fb00fc00fd00fe0046>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 268.79598999 11.65499973 tm [(pp)1(p)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabj 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 287.69400024 11.65499973 tm [<002900bd00ff002d000f00240025002f0030002c>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 27.25500107 tm [<0044009600fa005401000092002900bd001e002c0089010100a5004e002000a50102010300b400b50027004f004e002700b60104004400230045010500f60027006500b6007900fb00fc00d500c1>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 42.85499954 tm [<001c001d001e002c00f5000c00db00a500ca010600b9002d010700e70023010800e7010900b2010a00d500c10046>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 220.5 42.85499954 tm [(2017)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabj 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 244.4119873 42.85499954 tm [<0003>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 257.5369873 42.85499954 tm [(11)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabj 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 270.80599976 42.85499954 tm [<005f00200021000a0038010b010c010d010e001a010f>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 58.45499802 tm [<0110001e00a700c30111006c01120113011400db00a501150116>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 118.125 58.45499802 tm [(pp)1(p)] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabj 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 137.022995 58.45499802 tm [<00b9002d001e011701180119011a01040044004e0066006700350044004e011b011c002a002b00440023002f00300028>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 74.05500031 tm [<00290079006c0112003b00d500c100540024002500a50009001e002400250008000900fb00fc00fd00fe00cc00f8000a00c8003800b00046>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 273 74.05500031 tm /gs7 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q 1 0 0 1 0 390 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 11.38799953 tm /gs8 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q 1 0 0 1 21 405.6000061 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabj 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 11.65499973 tm 0 g [<00040005000600070008000900ff002700da011d011e008900080009001e00c9004b006400760023011f00bb012000b9010a0121009100a50009004500c300670066002700da00460122>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 27.25500107 tm [<012300ca010600b9002d002c00f5000c00e6009201240027001e000400050006000700a500090054011f00bb012000b9010a0125012600450127001e0128011f00bb008c012900a9012a00ff0018>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 42.85499954 tm [<012b00f5012c00cc0018012b00f5012c0065006b00540104012d001e00e30120012e012f01300131012300eb013200aa0133000a000b004e0134013500230132006c01360044004600f5000c009e>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 58.45499802 tm [<009f01370018012b013600180138012f007901390137001e009000f0011f00bb012000b900e300bb013a00d2004500e400cc00e300bb013b013c001e00e6004c00cf00e000e10046>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 357 58.45499802 tm /gs9 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q 1 0 0 1 0 468 cm /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 0 11.38799953 tm /gs10 gs 0 g [( )] tj et emc q q 1 0 0 1 21 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bt /faaabj 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 366.3210144 27.25500107 tm [<004c00c9>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 42.85499954 tm [<014200050070014601470148012100cc00ea014900de001e014300700142000500060007001e014200050006000700a9012a00cb014a00c8013e0004000500060007002300c90009000400050006>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 58.45499802 tm [<0007004600fa014b005400050006000700cb014a008c0006000700b8004b00d9008d002200c8005401420005004e0004014c00cf000e0142014d005400060007000e013f014e00060141004600a7>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 74.05500031 tm [<0022000900dc00cd005600ce007b0082000c001e00040005000600070008000900540115011600ab01000092003b0022011b002300760077003600c400ae>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabg 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 304.5 74.05500031 tm [(\()] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt /faaabj 10.5 tf 1 0 0 -1 307.68399048 74.05500031 tm [<00cb014a0004000500060007014f>] tj et emc /p <> bdc bt 1 0 0 -1 -21 89.65499878 tm [<0150004e000400050006000700760077004e0004000500750016004e01510012015201530079>] tj et emc 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see embedded license description for details.calibriboldmicrosoft: calibri boldversion 6.18calibri-boldcalibri is a trademark of the microsoft group of companies.luc(as) de grootcalibri is a modern sans serif family with subtle roundings on stems and corners. it features real italics, small caps, and multiple numeral sets. its proportions allow high impact in tightly set lines of big and small text alike. calibri's many curves and the new rasteriser team up in bigger sizes to reveal a warm and soft character.http://www.microsoft.com/typography/ctfontshttp://lucasfonts.commicrosoft supplied font. you may use this font to create, display, and print content as permitted by the license terms or terms of use, of the microsoft product, service, or content in which this font was included. you may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content. any other use is prohibited. the following license, based on the mit license (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mit_license), applies to the opentype layout logic for biblical hebrew layout logic  as jointly developed by ralph hancock and john hudson. permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of the opentype layout logic for biblical hebrew and associated documentation files (the layout logic software ), to deal in the layout logic software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the layout logic software, and to permit persons to whom the layout logic software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: the above 凯发一触即发 copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the layout logic software. the software is provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. in no event shall the authors or 凯发一触即发 copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software. http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fonts/default.aspx� 2016 microsoft corporation. all rights reserved. hebrew opentype layout logic 凯发一触即发 copyright � 2003 & 2007, ralph hancock & john hudson. this layout logic for biblical hebrew is open source software under the mit license; see embedded license description for details.calibriboldmicrosoft: calibri boldversion 6.18calibri-boldcalibri is a trademark of the microsoft group of companies.luc(as) de grootcalibri is a modern sans serif family with subtle roundings on stems and corners. it features real italics, small caps, and multiple numeral sets. its proportions allow high impact in tightly set lines of big and small text alike. calibri's many curves and the new rasteriser team up in bigger sizes to reveal a warm and soft character.http://www.microsoft.com/typography/ctfontshttp://lucasfonts.commicrosoft supplied font. you may use this font to create, display, and print content as permitted by the license terms or terms of use, of the microsoft product, service, or content in which this font was included. you may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content. any other use is prohibited. the following license, based on the mit license (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mit_license), applies to the opentype layout logic for biblical hebrew �layout logic� as jointly developed by ralph hancock and john hudson. permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of the opentype layout logic for biblical hebrew and associated documentation files (the �layout logic software�), to deal in the layout logic software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the layout logic software, and to permit persons to whom the layout logic software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: the above 凯发一触即发 copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the layout logic software. the software is provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. in no event shall the authors or 凯发一触即发 copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software. http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fonts/default.aspx� 2016 microsoft corporation. all rights reserved. hebrew opentype layout logic 凯发一触即发 copyright � 2003 & 2007, ralph hancock & john hudson. this layout logic for biblical hebrew is open source software under the mit license; see embedded license description for details.microsoft supplied font. you may use this font to create, display, and print content as permitted by the license terms or terms of use, of the microsoft product, service, or content in which this font was included. you may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content. any other use is prohibited. the following license, based on the mit license (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mit_license), applies to the opentype layout logic for biblical hebrew layout logic  as jointly developed by ralph hancock and john hudson. permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of the opentype layout logic for biblical hebrew and associated documentation files (the layout logic software ), to deal in the layout logic software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the layout logic software, and to permit persons to whom the layout logic software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: the above 凯发一触即发 copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the layout logic software. the software is provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. in no event shall the authors or 凯发一触即发 copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software. ��� �ac;a�0�0/d/t/�/-*8,*8 *�8$�*�*�*��*�#'f���*� fac<8;u:89u887u685u483u#8"u!8 u @k@=8"uk;$1t1$141t1�1'd'�''$'d't'�'�'�'�'�"4  $ d t t � ����� ���,���,���,�� ��,��,��,��,��,�� �� ��,��,��,��,��,��,��,��,�� ��,��,�����߲/�޲/�ݲ/�ܲ/�۲�ڲ/�ٲ/�ز/�ײ/�ֲ/�ղ/�բ/�ӳ/�ҳ/�ѳ/�в/�ϲ/�β�ͳ�̲�˲�ʲ�ɲ/�ȳ/�dz/�ʋ/�ų/�ij/�ò/�²/���/���/���������/���/���/���/���/���/���/���/���/���/���/���/���2���2���3���3���3���3���3���1���1���2���2���2���2���2���2���3���3���3���3���3���3���1���1���2���2���2���2���2���3���3���3���3���3���3���3���1���2���2���2���2���2���3���3���3���3���3���3���4���4���4��4�~�4�}�4�|�4�{�4�z�4�y�4�x�4�w�4�v�4�u�4�t�4�s�4�r�4�q�4�p�4�o�5�n�5�m�5�l�5�k�5�j�5�i�5�h�5�g�5�f�5�e�5�d�5�c�5�b�5�a�5�`�5�_�5�^�5�]�5�\�5�[�5�z�5�y�7�x�7�w�7�v�7�u�7�t�7�s�7�r�7�q�7�p�7�o�7�n�7�m�7�l�7�k�7�j�7�i�7�h�7�g�7�f�7�e�7�d�7�c�7�b�7�a�7�@�7�?�7�>�7�=�7�<�7�;�7�:�7�9�9�8�9�7�9�6�9�5�9�4�9�3�9�2�9�1�9�0�9��.�/�9�.�9�-�9�,�9� �9�*�9�)�9�(�9�'�9�&�9�%�;�$�;�#�2�"�:�!�;� �;��;��;��;��;��;��;��;��;��;��;��2��:��;��;��;��;��;��;� �;� �;� �;� �;� �2��2��;��;��;��;��;��;��;��;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���;���2���:���;��;��;��;��;��;��;��;��;��;��;��;��;��;��2��#��#��7��7��8��8��c�߲d�޲d�ݲd�ܲe�۲f�ڲf�ٲf�ز#�ײ#�ֲ8�ղc�բc�ӳc�ҳd�ѳf�вf�ϲf�βf�ͳf�̲f�˲c�ʲ#�ɲ#�ȳ7�dz7�ʋ8�ųb�ijc�òd�²e���f���f���f���f���f���f���f���7���8���b���c���c���c���d���d���d���e���e���e���f���f���f���f���f���4���a���a���m���n���o���r���@���m���n���o���r���m���@���m���n���n���o���o���p���r���r���r���a���o���p���p���q���r���r���r���x���y���\���]���j���[���\���y���]��@�]�e�h� n� n� n� n� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� h� h� h� h� h� h� h� h� h� h� h� h� h� h� h� ha ��v��h�2�~�7�t�7�s�b�r�b�q�b�p�b�o�b�n�b�m�b�l�b�k�b�j�b�<�b�;�b�:�b�9�b�8�b�7�b�6�b�5�b�4�b�3�b�2�e�1�e�0�e��e��e��e��e��e� �h� �h� �h� �h� �h��h�� j�@[ j� j� j� j� j� j� n� n� n� n� n� n� n� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� v� h� h���2�z�@�y�b�x�b�w�b�v�b�u�b�c�b�b�b�a�b�@�b�?�b�>�b�=�e��e��e��e��@�����2�{�2�s�7�r�@�q�@�p�@�o�@�n�@�m�@�l�@�k�@�j�@�i�@�h�@�g�@�f�@�e�@�d�@�"�@�!�b� �b��b��b��b��b��b��b��b��e��e�@�e�e�e�e�e�h�h�h�h�h�h� j� j� j� j� j� j� j� j� j� n� n� n� n� n� n� n� n� n� n� n� n� n� v� v� v� v� v� h���7�}�7�|�7�i�.�h�.�g�@�f�@�e�@�d�@�c�@�b�@�a�@�`�@�_�@�^�@�]�@�\�@�[�@�z�@�y�@�x�@�w�@�v�@�u�@�t�@�/�@�.�b�-�b�,�b� �b�*�b�)�b�(�b�'�b�&�b�%�e�$�e�#�e��e��e��e��e��h�@�h�h�h� n� n� n� n� n� n� n� n� n� v� v�%�.�.�h�u���uh}u~�}u };}k} }}k}{}�}�}|hzu{�zuzz yhwux�wu w vhuutu�u�uutudutu�u�u�u�u�u�u���@u8;f�u�uutuu���@!u fthrus�rur4r;�r�r0rpr`r����r$(f���@5rfr0r@rqhoup�ouooooo�o�oo�o�o�o@o fnhmu�m������ o����@�k.j%i.guh�guf.due�duc.bua.`u_.]u^�]u\.zu[�zuy.xuw%v.tuu�tus.qur�quo.nun%m.kul�kuj.hui�huphg.fue6p�� `pp��p��������� p�p�0@������o_������o_o��@.1f  @g/ > endobj 8 0 obj <> endobj 9 0 obj <>stream  �pos/2pь��`cmap���5<�cvt ��(�fpgm�d��� �glyf'es ��head0��[�6hhean $hmtxy2�d �locacu�, �maxp[� name���68�post�� &$ prepqq�&d������� a(�zyec@ �����$�$t�  �� � a    !`!a!b!c!d000 0 nnnn n n n nnnnnnn$n%n*n-n0n4n:n;ninknon_nanpn�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�n�oo ooooo o8ofomonooosoyo\oo�o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o�ppp:p

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